Robert Vadra, the son-in-law of Congress president Sonia Gandhi, has targetted Bharatiya Janata party for giving election ticket to Ganesh Joshi, the incumbent party MLA who was accused of thrashing horse Shaktiman leading to his death.
Vadra expressed his angst over BJP’s choice of the candidate through a Facebook post saying, “I am completely appalled at the choice of BJP for the Mussoorie candidature: Mr Ganesh Joshi.”
Reminding readers that Joshi is the same person who had mercilessly thrashed Shaktiman, he wrote that the poor horse had eventually died due to atrocities committed on him.
“It intrigues me what is BJP’s criteria of choosing its candidates? Is clean image, sanity of mind & honesty of no relevance while choosing the candidates? Will India have leaders like Joshi who are inhuman? Shocking & saddening,” he wrote.
BJP’s Mussoorie MLA caught national attention for wrong reasons after a video footage emerged where he appeared to be kicking and thrashing Shaktimaan (the horse) in a fit of rage. The 14-year old’s hind leg was broken which led to his death eventually.
Last year in August, Vadra and BJP lawmaker got engaged in a spat after the former saw him (Joshi) at Dehradun airport.
“Just took on Shaktiman killer BJP MLA Ganesh Joshi. I saw him with his entourage at the airport at Dehradun receiving some BJP MP and I told him what I thought of him. He then came towards me screaming, shouting and threatening. But I told him that if the horse can’t speak then I will,” Vadra told ANI about the encounter.
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