The Delhi University Students Union (DUSU) elections are scheduled to be held on September 12. While the Aam Aadmi Party’s student wing Chhatra Yuva Sangharsh Samiti (CYSS) has decided not to contest the polls this year as well, the other two parties, National Students Union of India (NSUI) and Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) are leaving no stone unturned to woo the young voters. Interestingly, as a promotional gimmick, contenders often put up hoardings, placing themselves beside the actors of their namesake. In the past two years, the campus was littered with hoardings of Arjun Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra, and this year it’s John Abraham who is out to ‘help’ a candidate. Literally.
A huge poster of Rocky Handsome showing the film’s lead actor put up at Vishwavidyalaya metro station has become the talk of the town. Co-incidentally, Rocky Tusser, a student of MA (Buddhist Studies), has filed his nomination on the ticket of the Congress backed NSUI for the post of president.
When asked, NSUI’s national in-charge of communication Neeraj Mishra denied that the poster had been put up by Tusser. “Tusser has just filed his nomination and the university checks all areas whether the Lyngdoh committee recommendations have been implemented. The date of declaration of the candidates is September 6,” he told The Indian Express.
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Adding further, Mishra blamed the rival candidates for the mischievous act. Meanwhile, Tusser was not available for any comment. According to Lyngdoh panel guidelines, no printed material should be used for campaigning. Tusser is considered to be a strong contender for the post. As far as polls are concerned, ABVP had won three of the four posts in last year, while its nearest rival NSUI had only bagged the post of Joint Secretary.
Source: The Indian Express
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