RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat recently expressed concern over rising instances of cow vigilantism saying violence in the name of cow protection defames the cause. His comments came in the wake of lynching of Pehlu Khan, a Muslim dairy farmer who was killed on suspicion of being a cow smuggler in Rajasthan’a Alwar.
Six people were arrested in connection with the murder, one of them is Vipin Yadav. However, Yadav found an admirer in self-styled gau rakshak Sadhvi Kamal Didi.
Sadhvi Kamal, who heads Rashtriya Mahila Gau Raksha Dal in three BJP ruled states(Rajasthan,Haryana, Uttar Pradesh), eulogised Yadav and likened him with Bhagat Singh and Chandra Shekhar Azad. Yadav was being taken for annual examination under judicial custody.
A video of the meeting of the cow activist and accused Yadav which took place Monday at a college in Behror shows Sadhvi heaping praises on him.
She could be seen telling Yadav “Poora Bharat tere saath mein hai, aur hum apne desh mein aise kaam nahi karenge toh kahan karenge. Koi bhi toh na jhuke, aur na he tujhe kisi prakar ki chinta karne ki avashakta hai. (The entire country is with you. If we won’t do such things in our own country then where else. One shouldn’t give in. You don’t need to worry about anything),” she said.
She did not stop there and further asked Yadav about his meal: “Aur araam se achchhe se khana peena barhiya de rahe hai (Are you well and eating well)?” As Yadav nodded, she asked him to speak up and not hesitate. “Chinta na kar tu. Tu ghabraya hua kaise bol raha hai beta (You don’t worry. You seem to be scared).” Vipin said: “Nahi hai aisi koi baat (No, there is no such matter).”
If that was not enough, she turned to people present there and compared the accused with great Indian revolutionaries, “Ye Bhagat Singh, [Chandra Shekhar] Azad, Sukhdev, ye hain, ye log. Inhone koi bhi galat nahi kiya, kisi prakar ka galat nahi karke gaye. (People like him are Bhagat Singh, Azad and Sukhdev. They did not do any wrong),” she said to applause.
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