Days after Dera chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh was sentenced to 20 years in prison, a former Sadhvi has come out to make some startling revelations about the self-styled godman. While speaking to a leading news channel, the sadhvi claimed that a number of devotees used periods as an excuse to get away from the clutches of Singh.
She further claimed that several devotees were called in the Dera’s secret cave at around 11 and were allegedly threatened to do as directed. Singh would allegedly threaten to kill the family members of Sadhvis if they did not listen to him. A former devotee of Dera identified as Gurdas Singh has levelled some serious allegation against the Dera chief asserting that he sexually assaulted school going girls from the orphanage and had allegedly impregnated a few of them, who he later took to a local hospital for an abortion.
In Ram Rahim’s Dera, rape was referred to as ‘Pitaji’s maafi’. Sadhvis, while speaking about the horrendous experience, had earlier said that the “powerful Baba” raped many women inside his ‘gufa’ (an underground chamber which was also his personal residence). Meanwhile, doctors recently claimed that Gurmeet Ram Rahim had been feeling restless and uneasy in jail because he was away from all the physical pleasures in Rohtak jail and that he was a “sex addict”.
Also Read: In Ram Rahim’s Dera, rape was referred to as ‘Pitaji’s maafi‘
“The baba is, in fact, a sex addict. He has no access to physical pleasures in the jail which is the cause for his restlessness. He can be treated. However, if the treatment is delayed, it can lead to a bigger problem,” a doctor was quoted as saying.
To prove his innocence, Singh had told the court that he was impotent and “not medically and physically fit to have sex with anyone”. However, the court rubbished his defence and asked him how did he have his daughter if that was the case.
Source: Navbharat Times
Read More: Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh uneasy in jail as he is a ‘sex addict’, claim doctors
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