It seems like political crisis in Tamil Nadu is not going to end any time sooner, AIADMK general secretary Sasikala Natarajan has sought an appointment with Governor Vidyasagar Rao to prove that she has absolute majority.
Urging the governor to act immediately to save the sovereignty of the Constitution, the letter dated February 11 states that it has been seven long days since O Panneerselvam submitted his resignation and his excellency has accepted it..
In the letter Sasikala that she had then submitted an “elaborate presentation to invite me to form the government as I have absolute majority,” besides the original letter and true copy of the resolution electing her as the AIADMK Legislature party leader.
Meanwhile, Sasikala addressed party workers at Poes Garden residence and assured them that the party will come out victorious in its present hour of crisis.
The AIADMK leader said their patience also had a limit.
“It is my duty to lead the party and government. The manoeuvring of a few people cannot hurt this mass movement which has 1.5 crore supporters left behind by Amma (Jayalalithaa),” she said.
Meanwhile, acting Chief Minister O. Panneerselavam said, that he is confident about all leaders who care for Tamil people will come and join him as Amma’s soul is leading him and truth will win.
#SasikalaNatarajan writes letter to TN Governor C. Vidyasagar Rao; seeks appointment to prove majority.
— ANI (@ANI_news) February 11, 2017
State Minister K Pandiarajan to meet #OPanneerselvam and offer support #TamilNadu
— ANI (@ANI_news) February 11, 2017
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