Days after an officer in Indian Administrative Service (IAS) of Chhattisgarh cadre decided to send his 5-year-old daughter to a government school, a legislator has followed his footsteps and has got his son admitted in a government in the Jashpur district of Chhattisgarh.
According to a Times of India report, the man who is Parliamentary secretary-cum-legislator, Shivshankar Paikra took admission for his son in class 1 in the school located in the tribal area. While speaking to the Daily, Paikra said that there was no English medium school in the neighbouring area and that he could have sent his child to another school to another place but he did not wish to burden his child. He further said that his son was adapted and comfortable with the Hindi language adding that the family also considered that if he goes to an English medium his family may not be able to help him in his studies that create further confusion for him.
Paikra said that for him, his son’s comfort was most important as far as language is concerned.This comes after IAS officer, Avaneesh Sharan enrolled his 5-year-old daughter, Vedika in a government school. His daughter had reportedly spent over a year at a local Anganwadi before she joined the new session at a government school in Balrampur area. While speaking to the media, Sharan said that sending his daughter to study in a government school was his duty.
Reports have suggested that influential members of the society including bureaucrats should send their children to study at a government school. It is believed that doing so could improve the quality of studies and infrastructure of the government school.
“The government employees, right from the IAS (Indian Administrative Service) officer to the peon, and public representatives must get their children enrolled in government schools to improve the quality of public education,” Niti Ayog-sponsored study had said in its report in 2016.
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