In an extremely shameful incident, a 12-year-old girl was allegedly raped while she was returning home after attending an Independence Day event at her school in Chandigarh. The family members of the girl told the police that the incident took place when she returning back from her school from an event that was organised by a government school. The girl who is a class 8 student was allegedly sexually abused at a children’s park located near her residence.
“The accused, aged around 40 years, forcibly took the 12-year-old girl to the park, sexually assaulted her and fled,” a police officer was quoted as saying. The girl who told her parents about the incident after returning home was rushed to the hospital for a medical examination. Following which, a case was registered against the accused.
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No arrest has been made as yet. The police officials have affirmed that they are investigating the matter and are making efforts to nab the accused. “We have registered a FIR, the suspect has been rounded up and the investigation is underway. The girl is in a stable condition,” Chandigarh senior superintendent of police (SSP) Eish Singhal said.
The police are also probing the CCTV cameras that were installed near the park. The incident comes just days after Haryana BJP Subhash Barala’s son Vikas Barala and his friend Ashish Kumar were arrested for stalking and harassing the daughter of an IAS officer late in the night in Chandigarh. The duo was booked under Section 365 (kidnapping or abduction with intent to confine person) and Section 511 (attempt to commit an offence punishable with life imprisonment). Both of them were granted a bail just hours after the complaint was registered.
The incident created a major stir with the opposition parties unleashing scathing attacks against the ruling party while demanding a strong action against Vikas Barala.
Read More: Watch: Chandigarh accused caught on camera buying alcohol before ‘stalking’ woman
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