As the nation celebrated Ram Navami on Sunday, a Tableau of Shambhu Lal Regar, the man who brutally murdered a Muslim labourer from West Bengal last year, was taken out in Jodhpur. The procession, which was reportedly taken out to honour the accused, showed Regar sitting like a king on a throne holding a pick axe which resembled the weapon he had used to murder the Muslim labourer.
On the tableau it’s written: “Hindu brothers wake up, save your sister or daughter.” On the other side was a picture of the man who set up the tableau – Hari Singh Rathod, DNA reported. Rathod is the co-treasurer of Shiv Sena in Jodhpur and is reportedly associated with the RSS.
Rajasthan: Tableau taken out in Jodhpur on #RamNavami to honour murderer, who hacked a man to death & set the body on fire in Rajsamand last year. The killer, Shambhu Lal, had also recorded the act on video & uploaded it on social media, in December.
— ANI (@ANI) March 27, 2018
At the tail end of 2017, Regar hacked Mohammad Afrazul to death with an axe and burnt his body. He made his 15-yr old nephew record the bloody act on camera as he went on to claim that his motive was to end ‘love jihad’.
The horrific video triggered national outrage and the accussed was promptly arrested. However, prison did not prevent him from spreading his propaganda.
Last month, two videos purportedly shot by Regar inside Jodhpur Central Jail went viral. In the videos, he claimed to be facing threats to his life from an inmate, and justified his murder adding that the issue of “love jihad” has become “serious”. In the video, he also accused the West Bengal government of not doing enough about it.
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_____ ___ ___ ___ _____— SHAHID KHAN (@sky198_khan) March 27, 2018
Wow what a role model. He will soon replace Godse _
— Sadik Patel (@SadikPatel07) March 27, 2018
Very shameful, he’s a murderer who can’t be honoured like this @VasundharaBJP
— voice of truth (@namo_namah23) March 27, 2018
Shame on Politician who support and promote vandalism and see how disgusting that the man who killed a poor man in a broad day light is being projected as a hero..!! Aache din
— Rejy PK (@rejy_pk) March 27, 2018
They think they are protecting Hinduism but they are doing completely opposite.
— Avinash Sajwan (@avinash_sajwan) March 27, 2018
This man is mentally sick
And so are those who put such posters and tableaux— Office of Pappu (@OfficeofPappuRG) March 27, 2018
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