As the Bhartiya Janta Party’s alleged arrogance irks Shiv Sena, the party chief Udhhav Thackeray announces to go solo for the upcoming BMC polls. As per the sources the BJP was demanding 114 wards but Sena was offering 66 wards. Later, Sena offered upto 95 wards but BJP was not ready to accept anything less than 105 wards for the polls.
Thackeray while addressing a rally in Goregaon on January 26 said “We shall not go around with a begging bowl. We have wasted 25 years in this alliance. But no more. Shiv Sena will contest all the civic body elections independently and will not have an alliance with them (BJP) henceforth,”.
“How can they unilaterally take such a decision? Did you take us into confidence? Was it discussed before the state cabinet or even with the leaders of opposition parties? The order must be withdrawn or we will make a bonfire of it,” he said.
Therefore snapping the ties with the BJP, resulting in the ending of their 25-year-old alliance for the upcoming civic elections across Maharashtra. Shiv Sena MP’S also skipped the pre-budget meet called by CM.
He added,”I have full confidence in my Shiv Sainiks… With their help, we shall fly the saffron flag in Maharashtra independently,”.
Thackeray took a jibe on Padma awards given to Sharad Pawar and Murli Manohar Joshi, he said,”Are they given Padma awards or gurudakshina”.
While state minister & Shiv Sena leader Ramdas Kadam, said,” We carry resignation letters in our pockets, We’ll resign whenever Uddhav ji asks us to do so”.
We carry resignation letters in our pockets;We'll resign whenever Uddhav ji asks us to do so: Ramdas Kadam, State Minister & SS leader
— ANI (@ANI_news) January 27, 2017
Meanwhile, Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut said “Alliance in the state is a compulsion”.
Now, both the BJP and the Shiv Sena will fight for 227 wards on February 21. The filing of the nomination will start from January 27.
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