Madhya Pradesh Chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Friday attended the wedding ceremony of the daughter of head constable, Ramashankar Yadav who was killed by 8 SIMI activists in the month of October.
The Chief Minister not only attended her wedding but also gifted her a letter of appointment for a group 3 job.
Bhopal: MP CM attends wedding ceremony of daughter of Ramashankar Yadav,who was killed in Bhopal jailbreak, gifts her job appointment letter
— ANI (@ANI_news) December 9, 2016
In an extremely unfortunate incident, Ramashankar Yadav was murdered by eight members of the Students of Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) who had fled from the Bhopal Central Jail. The 8 under trial SIMI activists escaped the prison by fashioning a rope out of bed sheets to jump across the walls. The police confirmed the militants killed Ramashankar yadav who was on duty that night, by slitting his throat with a steel plate and glass after overpowering him.
However, the SIMI activists who fled the prison were killed in an alleged police encounter on the very same day.
Back then, Shivraj Singh had also slammed the opposition party leader for “politicising’ the incident and not talking about the head constable who had lost his life in the event.
57 year old Yadav, who had undergone a bypass surgery few years ago was due to retire in early 2019 and was killed just a month before his daughter was going to get married. His family had lashed out at the jail authorities for handing over such a difficult job to him without keeping his medical condition and health in mind.
Yadav’s son Shambunath is also in the Army, posted in Assam.
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