The Bengaluru Police have arrested a thief who stole over 50 two-wheelers for his girlfriend. According to a Deccan Chronicle report, the thief has been identified as P Manohar, who was arrested by the Bommanahalli police. The cops recovered 51 bikes worth Rs 25 lakh.
According to the report, 23-year-old Manohar is a native of Anantapur district in Andhra Pradesh who has been living in Bengaluru from past few years. The police reportedly said that Manohar took to stealing the bikes because he wanted his girlfriend to lead a luxurious life.
The police also revealed that Manohar was wanted in 24 cases of bike theft in Bengaluru alone and that with his arrest they have solved at least 35 cases of bike theft in different states.
Another report in The Times of India has suggested that Manohar was a tailor by profession and he became a bike thief in order to fund his ailing girlfriend’s treatment.
The TOI report claims that during interrogation, Manu told the police that he needed the money to bring his girlfriend, who was suffering from jaundice and other ailments, to Bengaluru from Andhra for her treatment. His girlfriend, however, had no clue that Manohar had taken to stealing two-wheelers and then selling them.
Cops laid a trap for Manu by putting up pamphlets that stated that a private company needed used two-wheelers for its delivery boys. Manu contacted the police unknowingly and was caught red-handed.
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