On Wednesday, transgender Taara allegedly immolated herself outside Pondy Bazaar police station in Chennai. A day after the incident, police registered a case against 100 transgenders and arrested them for protesting against the violent episode.
As per a report in The Indian Express, three videos of the transgender have emerged where she is allegedly arguing with policemen. In one of the said videos, a person said to be a policeman asked Taara, “Why did you hit a policeman with a stone? and she replied, “Sir, tell me the truth, did I hit you?”
In another video, she is purportedly seen saying that she will set herself on fire and police will have to answer to the government. The videos have not been verified so far.
There are various theories around Taara’s death. While police said that Taara poured petrol and immolated herself outside the police station, it is also being alleged that she was abused by policemen after which she committed suicide.
Police officers on duty had tried to rescue her by dousing the fire. She was admitted to KMCH with 90 per cent burn injuries but later succumbed to her injuries.
The transgender protesters had begun their agitation ever since she was admitted, but the situation flared up after her death.
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