The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has asserted that South-West monsoon is all set to hit Kerala and the North East region by May 30. The information has been confirmed by Director General of the India Meteorological Department K J Ramesh who said that monsoon has also hit the North East, thanks to Cyclone Mora, which aided the advancement of the seasonal rainfall. The normal onset date for the monsoon to hit the Kerala coast, which marks its official arrival in the country, is June 1.
The normal onset date for the monsoon to hit the Kerala coast, which marks its official arrival in the country, is June 1.
On the other hand, the region of South Kerala has already received heavy rainfall, but few places in the state’s northern parts are yet to receive rains, which is expected to improve by end of the day. As per the information given by the meteorological department, rain and thundershowers are expected to occur at most places in Kerala in the next five days.
While strong winds from a westerly direction with speed of 45-55 kph are expected off Kerala coast and over Lakshadweep Island.
The north-eastern region of India will also be hit by the monsoon as the cyclone Mora has hit Bangladesh coast near Chittagong. The information has been confirmed by the Bangladesh Meteorological Department on May 30. The winds have the speed between 90 kmph and 120 kmph. Due to this cyclone, a heavy rainfall has begun over Mizoram, Tripura and other northeastern states. Wind speed in these areas is gusting up to 60 kmph.
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