An infant was left alone by her parents in a locked car in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut on November 5. Passersby spotted the girl crying. Suspecting that the infant was suffocating, locals tried to find her parents first but were not successful. The car window was broken to rescue the girl
Speaking with ANI, Kumar Ran Vijay Singh, Additional Superintendent of Police, Meerut said, “At central market which comes under Nauchandi police station, a kid was spotted in a parked vehicle. She was crying holding the glass window of the car. Commuters nearby thought the girl was probably trapped. They tried to open the gate but it did not open. It was clear her parents had left her in the car and locked it. The locals tried to find her parents who were nowhere to be found. Later the glass was removed and the girl was rescued,”
Her parents were later rebuked by the police for leaving her alone in locked car. In March, a 6-year-old died of suffocation in Bhopal after he was left in a locked car for four hours by school authorities. Last year, two kids in West Delhi’s Ranhola died after their father accidentally locked them in the car
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