Mumbai was brought to a standstill following torrential rains that has claimed at least 5 lives including children. Rains and heavy waterlogging in the city has created a massive chaos with people finding it difficult to reach their homes safely. Transportation in the city have also been paralysed with cars, buses and trucks being stranded in the middle of th roads. Amid the chaos, people across the country are lending help to people who have suffered due to the torrential rains.
People are also offering help to animals who may have been stranded due to the rains. A number of social media users took to Twitter to urge people to help each other and help the less fortunate like the animals. A number of helpline numbers have been released by animal activists who have urged people to call them if they see a stray animal in the rains.
Here’s how people came together to create awareness about helping poor animals during Mumbai rains.
Rains have torrential in #mumbai kindly join @amtmindia rehab facility 4 stray animals to help & join their efforts to save animals in need.
— King Mika Singh (@MikaSingh) August 30, 2017
How are you coping with the rains in Mumbai. Hope you are all safe, and please don’t forget to feed the stray animals when the water goes x
— Sofia Maria Hayat (@sofiahayat) June 19, 2015
In the panic & devastation of torrential rain & flooding in Mumbai, compassionate people stop to help a dog
— @lostpuppylove (@lostpuppylove) August 30, 2017
Try ur best 2 help d animals stuck in d Hurricane n Mumbai Rains. Dey get scared very easily n confused.
#MumbaiFlooded#HurricaineHarvey— Lipsa (@Sun_Palette) August 30, 2017
Heard about the heavy rains in Mumbai!!! Please be safe.. And PLEASE make some room for stray dogs and cats in your buildings & compounds!
— Alia Bhatt (@aliaa08) August 29, 2017
Wondering how many people/animals are being saved in India, Nepal and Bangladesh?
— James brockbank (@brockbank_james) August 30, 2017
Spare a thought for your neighbourhood strays and #pets. Any little help matters. #MumbaiFlooded #MumbaiRains
— Jayesh Shinde (@jshinde) August 30, 2017
Heard about the heavy rains in Mumbai!!! Please be safe.. And PLEASE make some room for stray Animals in your buildings & compounds!
— Mustafa21 (@Mustafa35898291) August 29, 2017
People helping each other out in mumbai __ The rains have united us! Let’s save the animals too _@HomegrownIn
— Anushka Manchanda (@IAmAnushka) August 29, 2017
Here are the numbers you need to contact if you wish to help the animals in the heavy downpour.
PAWS: 91- 9820161114
SAVE OUR STRAYS: 022 26351503 , +91 9820141310
IDA India: 91-9320056581, 022-32681418
BSPCA: 91-22-24137518, 24135285, 24135434
Karuna: 91-9819100100
All India Animal Welfare Association: 022-23094077
Mumbai recorded a whopping 298 mm of rainfall on Tuesday, which is reportedly the highest in a day in August since 1997. Shiv Sena who rules the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation drew flak for failing to handle the impact of the heavy downpour.
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