Bihar Police on Friday arrested the principal, a teacher and two students for the alleged gangrape of a 13-year-old girl at a private school in Saran’s Parsagarh village. According to the FIR, the victim was gangraped by five minor students inside the school’s toilet in December 2017, and the act was videographed by one of the accused.
The victim, a student of class 9, said the video was used to blackmail her, and her ordeal continued for next seven months. She was threatened and told not to complain to her family or to the police. However, the FIR said that the alleged rapists soon shared the video with other school friends. Gradually it reached a few teachers as well as the principal, and instead of taking action, they too sexually assaulted her, the girl alleged.
“The poor girl apprehending stigma and the video going viral in public went on succumbing to the carnal desires of other boys and two teachers in possession of the video,” police superintendent Har Kishore Rai told Hindustan Times.
“The victim has named 18 persons as her perpetrators in the FIR registered with the women’s police station,” he added.
The girl was brought to Chhapra from Saran on Friday for medical examination. Though the assault began in December, the survivor was only able to file an FIR a couple of days ago, after narrating her ordeal to her father, who’s recently come out of jail on bail.
“A student has lodged a case of rape against 18 people. We have arrested school principal Mukund Singh and a teacher named Balaji and taken into custody two teenaged students. We have been conducting raids to look for the others accused. The girl’s medical examination has been conducted,” Saran Superintendent of Police Har Kishore Rai told Indian Express.
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