Soon after Scotland Yard police arrested businessman Vijay Mallya, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Subramaniam Swamy congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Hailing the PM, he said that the move shows that he has always been fighting against corruption.
“Thanks and congratulations to PM Modi for this. Modi means business and he was always in a fight against corruption. It’s time for Mallya to go to jail,” Swamy told CNN-News18.
Swamy also raised the all-important point that “Lalit Modi could be next.”
Mallya has been declared a proclaimed offender and was arrested on India’s request for his extradition. The 61-year-old will be appearing in Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London later in the day on Tuesday.
India had given a formal extradition request for Mallya as per the Extradition Treaty between India and the UK through a note verbale on February 8. While handing over the request, India had asserted that it has a “legitimate” case against Mallya and maintained that if an extradition request is honoured, it would show British “sensitivity towards our concerns”.
(More to follow)
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