Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s saw an unprecedented rise in its online applicants since Narendra Modi stormed to power in 2014 Lok Sabh elections. According to Indian Express, RSS saw a sudden surge in applications, receiving 97,047 applications in 2014. It was a massive improvement from figures of 2013 that stood at 28,424. It was followed by 81,620 in 2015 and 84,941 in 2016. This year, it has already got 50,339 applications until April 15.
“Our popularity is increasing across states — Kerala, the Northeast and Bengal. This confirms that people are accepting our ideology and work,” a Sangh leader told IE.
However, it seems Sangh’s popularity further increased with BJP’s inception to power in Uttar Pradesh. The RSS witnessed its highest growth ever after saffron party’s massive victory in UP elections, receiving 22,432 online applications between March 16 and March 31, a fortnightly record so far. Of these, 8,919 applications, or over a third, were from UP and 1,680 from Delhi. From April 1 to April 15, the Sangh received 9,205 online applications, of which 2,778 were from UP.
“This is the highest growth we have ever achieved. This is just online. Add to this those who joined us through efforts of swayamsevaks at the shakha level and this growth is phenomenal,” a senior RSS functionary told IE.
Currently, RSS holds 57,233 shakhas across the country, besides smaller units of milans (14,650) and mandalis (7,790). In 2017, Sangh also received 3,422 applications from January 1 to April 15 in West Bengal, registering a record growth in the state. The RSS has divided West Bengal into two prants (states) — uttar (north) and dakshin (south). Underling the expansion plans in the state, he said “We are growing fast in Bengal. Our central body passed a resolution on Bengal this year.”
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