A man in Kerala had to undergo surgery after his private parts were allegedly chopped by a woman on September 21. The incident took place in Kuttipuram town of Kozhikode district of the state, and the woman was detained. According to reports, the accused has confessed to her crime that she used a small knife to attack the man.
The victim named Irshad was in a relationship with the divorced woman for the past two-and-a-half years. During interrogation, however, the police said that Irshad claimed of having inflicted the injuries on his genitals by himself. The duo had booked a room in a lodge on September 20. After being attacked, Irshad ran out of the room from where he was taken to the hospital. The police said that both of them had got married secretly. Speculations are rife that Irshad was planning to marry another girl who he had supposedly called to the lodge, and that irked his wife, forcing her to take the extreme step.
Also read: Kerala: Woman cuts off ‘rapist’ Godman’s genitals, alleges years of sexual abuse
A few months ago, a woman had chopped off the genitals of a swami in the same state. She had accused him of raping her for the past several years. However, the victim later retracted her statement in the court.
In another incident, a 22-year-old woman in Mongolpuri area of Delhi allegedly chopped off the genitals of her boyfriend after he refused to marry her.
Also read: Delhi woman ‘chops off’ boyfriend’s genitals for saying NO to her
Source: TOI
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