A bus conductor from Chennai has found a mention in the CBSE Class V General Knowledge textbook as a green crusader for his relentless efforts of planting new trees. His dedication towards the environment is such, that he planted more than 38,000 trees so far. A regular on the Marudhamalai-Gandhipuram number 70 bus, Yoganathan has been working for the Tamil Nadu State Road Transport Corporation (TNSTC) for the last 18 years.
According to a Times of India report, the book describes the man as – “He is a bus conductor from Tamil Nadu, who has single-handedly planted more than 38,000 trees in 28 years. He has made commendable efforts to save wildlife and spreading awareness about conservation among youth.”
A native of Mayiladuthurai near Nagapattinam, the man has been planting saplings for the past 32 years. Yoganathan says that he was amazed by the beauty of the Nilgiris where he worked as a sales representative after finishing school.
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After witnessing trees being smuggled out, he had even staged a protest against it. Such events ignited the spark in him to work on conserving the environment,” he reportedly said.
While planting trees and saving wildlife is his passion, Yoganathan also believes in spreading the message among the young generation, so that they also take interest in planting new trees. He also participates in conferences and guest lectures in universities and colleges to encourage students to take part in conserving the environment.
Besides this, the National Service Scheme (NSS) teams of schools and colleges invite him to participate in their activities and apprise them about environmental protection.
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