In a latest development in Tamil Nadu politics, Edappadi Palaniswami, close aide of Sasikala, on February 16 took oath as the new chief minister of the state. The swearing in ceremony commenced at 4:30 PM in presence of Governor C. Vidyasagar Rao in Chennai. Besides Palaniswami, 30 other MLAs also took oath as ministers in the new government. Earlier today, Governor C Vidyasagar Rao invited Palaniswami to form government. The development comes a day after Sasikala surrendered in Bengaluru jail in disproportionate assets case.
Following the development, AIADMK MLAs left Golden Bay resort in Kovathur for Raj Bhavan in Chennai to attend the oath taking ceremony. Hailing from state’s western Kongu belt, Palaniswami is considered a popular name in his gounder community.
Here are the highlights:
4: 52 PM: Governor administers oath of office and secrecy to Chief Minister Edapadi K.Palanisamy and council of ministers.
4: 46 PM: Tamil Nadu Cabinet being sworn in
4: 41 PM: E. Palanisamy’s takes oath as next Tamil Nadu CM
4: 25 PM: E. Palaniswami reaches Raj Bhawan.
4: 17 PM: Tamil Nadu cabinet and CM-designate E. Palaniswami’s oath ceremony to begin at Raj Bhavan, shortly.
Chennai: AIADMK leaders reach Raj Bhavan for Tamil Nadu cabinet and CM-designate E. Palanisamy’s oath ceremony.
— ANI (@ANI_news) February 16, 2017
The 63-year-old leader was elected as AIADMK’s legislature party leader hours after Sasikala was sentenced to Jail by Supreme court in disproportionate assets case.
31 ministers including Tamil Nadu CM E. Palanisamy to take oath today.
— ANI (@ANI_news) February 16, 2017
Meanwhile, DMK leader MK Stalin has alleged that 15 days given to Edappadi Palaniswami to prove majority will lead to horse trading. Reacting to governor’s invitation to Palaniswami, O. Panneerselvam alleged that the Salem MLA will let the party go into the hands of Sasikala’s family members.
Palanisami’s biggest challenge would be to keep his support intact and prove majority within 15 days as told by the governor.
Earlier, AIADMK’s deputy speaker in the Lok Sabha Thambidurai described Palaniswami’s appointment as chief minister as victory of ‘dharmam and Amma’s ideals’.
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