A day after ruckus in the Tamil Nadu Assembly unfolded, DMK on February 20 filed a petition in Madras High Court challenging the trust vote won by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E Palaniswami. The Madras High Court is expected to hear the urgent petition on February 21.
The opposition party has alleged that appropriate rules were no followed during the floor test. Meanwhile, O Panneerselvam who had said that he doubts the validity of the trust vote is also likely to move court against the confidence vote. Tamil Nadu governor Vidyasagar Rao had the support of 122 MLAs who had voted for him and hence, there was no confusion regarding the same. The opposition party also reportedly wants a fresh voting.
O Panneerselvam, cried foul and refused to back down accusing the MLA’s of betraying late Jayalalithaa and asserted that Amma’s traitors have subverted the democracy. He also claimed that the trust vote is not legitimate nd will meet Governor C Vidyasagar Rao, if needed. CM Palanisamy won the vote of confidence after all 6 divisions of MLAs in Tamil Nadu Assembly vote in his favour.
Last week, hours after the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagham MLAs were evicted out of the Tamil Nadu state assembly as they created a ruckus and misbehaved with the speaker P Dhanapal and tearing his shirt, DMK acting chief MK Stalin came out of the assembly with his shirt torn off. As soon as he stepped out of the assembly, he was seen waving his hands to the supporters with his shirt torn off.
The ongoing political turmoil in Tamil Nadu took an ugly turn after a ruckus was evoked in the state assembly by the DMK MLAs after where they got involved in a scuffle with the assembly speaker P Dhanapal. They unleashed violence in the house, misbehaved with the speaker and tore his clothes in the house. They also tore the official papers in the house and broke the furniture.
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