Pragya Survase, a housewife from Raigad, Maharashtra, has been arrested on the charges of attempt to murder. The 28-year-old is accused of allegedly poisoning the food at a housewarming function held a relative’s place. The incident which resulted in the death of five people, took place in Mahad village, where Pragya was attending a party at her husband’s relative’s place.
Pragya, who got married two years ago, was apparently often at the receiving end of comments and taunts about her dark complexion. Reports suggest that fed up with her relatives’ jabs regarding her cooking skills and her dark skin, she poisoned the food at the housewarming party.
Raigad: Woman arrested & charged w/attempted murder for mixing pesticide in food served at party hosted by her relative in Mahad village. Police say she confessed to doing it because of family disputes.120 people fell ill & 5 died after eating at the party on Monday. #Maharashtra
— ANI (@ANI) June 23, 2018
Reports say that soon after dinner, several guests started throwing up and complained of stomach pain, and had to be taken to the hospital. On being informed that every single person who had fallen ill and had to be rushed to the hospital as a result had eaten at the same place, the police sent food samples for tests. The results showed traces of insecticide in the food, making the police launch an investigation. When the police questioned the guests of the housewarming party, Pragya’s answers raised suspicion and she eventually confessed to putting insecticide in the food as a form of revenge for causing her grief. The invitation to a function where all relatives would be present triggered her into action and she took the drastic step of poisoning everyone.
Talking to ANI, Raigad Superintendent of Police Anil Paraskar said, “She has confessed to the crime citing marital, family disputes. Further investigations are on.”
The incident has claimed the lived of five people, which includes four kids in the age groups of seven to 13 as well as a 53-year-old man. Of the guests attending, almost 120 fell ill and are currently in various stages of recuperation.
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