A teenage boy from Mumbai had to be sent to a juvenile home after he was caught trying to buy an iPhone 7 using fake Rs 2000 notes that read “The Children Bank of India”. The incident came to the light after the seller of the iPhone, Sameer Nagodriya, a cybercrime consultant figured that they were fake notes. Sameer wasted no time and filed a complaint against the accused. The 17-year-old boy was placed under arrest by the Azad Maidan police before he was sent to juvenile home.
The police officials recovered 60 notes of fake Rs 2000 currency from the teenage boy. Sameer told the police that he got in touch with the accused after he decided to put an ad to sell his iPhone 7 online. The teenage boy reportedly expressed his desire to buy the phone and both of them decided to meet outside McDonald’s opposite CST to complete the transaction. The 17-year-old checked the iPhone and handed over the fake currency to Sameer who realised that they bore the name, “The Children’s Bank of India.”
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He immediately chased the boy and handed him over the police who registered a case of attempt to use forged currency against the accused.
“After we placed him under arrest, his family members approached us with proof that he was 17 years old. He was then sent to a children’s home.” Senior Inspector at Azad Maidan police station, Vasanth Wakhare was quoted as saying
The boy reportedly lives in Kalyan and has received education till Class 10. He was working in a garage and bought fake currency to get an iPhone for himself. “Prima facie it appears that the 17-year-old purchased the notes from a shop in Thane. He desperately wanted to buy an iPhone. As he did not have money for the phone, he purchased fake currency to get it,” the police officer said.
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Source: Indian Express
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