In what seems to be a reel story gone real, a wealthy businessman from Delhi’s Kamla Nagar was arrested for posing as a slum-dweller to get his son admitted to a premiere school under economically weaker section quota. The incident has stark similarity with Irrfan Khan starrer Hindi Medium whose story is also about a rich couple faking poverty to get their child admitted to a high profile school.
On Saturday, Delhi Police arrested Gaurav Goel who posed as an impoverished man to get his son admitted to Sanskriti School in Chanakyapuri under the Garibi quota, ANI reported.
He showed his address as Sanjay Camp, a slum near Chanakyapuri and forged documents for his elder son’s admission in 2013.
Delhi: #Visuals of Gaurav Goel who faked poverty to admit his son under the economically weaker section (EWS) category at a prominent school in 2013. He was arrested by Delhi police yesterday after a complaint was registered by the school.
— ANI (@ANI) April 8, 2018
Despite owning an MRI lab and a wholesale business of selling pulses, Goel showed his annual income as Rs 67,000 to authorities, Times of India reported. He had told the school that he was working at an MRI centre.
However, when Goel pushed for the admission of his second child to the same school under the sibling quota.
While checking the antecedents of his elder son, the school authorities found major discrepancies in the papers and went to the cops.
However, what gave him away was his overconfidence.
Speaking to the Daily, a police official revealed he told the school authorities that they could shift his elder son from EWS to the general category because his economic condition had improved over the years and mentioned an apartment in Safdarjung enclave as his residence. This prompted the school to file a complaint against Goel at Chanakyapuri Police station. Police searched his income records which was way beyond he had stated to the school and arrested him. It also emerged that he has travelled to 20 countries. Goel has been arrested and his elder son’s admission in the school has also been cancelled.
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