Bengaluru Police have managed to amuse people with their intelligent use of puns and witty posts on road safety. In a bid to bridge the gap and inform people about the rules and regulations, Bengaluru police have come up with supremely funny tweets in the past while addressing people’s problems at the same time.
While a number of people across the country have complained about the problems and harassment they have to face after they are flagged by a traffic cop, this Bengaluru policeman is going all out to bring a change. Instead of taking a fine from traffic violators he is giving them something in return. Inspector LY Rajesh stops the traffic violators for breaking the law but gives them a sapling in return to just teach them a lesson.
The fine is green and green is fine |
— Bangalore Mirror (@BangaloreMirror) June 4, 2017
While speaking to Bangalore Mirror Rajesh said that the violators do not learn anything despite paying a fine and that they would at least be reminded of their mistakes when they see the sapling. “I have seen many accidents on this road and people commit the same mistakes every day. When they pay a fine, they move on without learning any lesson. This is why I gave them a sapling as I wanted to educate them. When this sapling grows into a tree, they will be reminded of their mistake each time they look at it. Hopefully, then they will never commit the same mistake again,” he told Bangalore Mirror.
“All of these violators had to be told what will happen if they do not follow traffic rules. Also, they should be rewarded in some way or the other so that they always remember their mistake and have a happy and safe ride,” Rajesh added.
The report further stated that Rajesh also visits schools and tries to educate children about the importance of plants and also gifts them a sapling.
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