In a yet another heartwarming initiative by the Humans of Chennai, a café in the city has altered its menu to spread awareness on dyslexia. From April 7, Chennai’s ‘Writer’s Café’ started offering diners with a menu with meals with names such as vejetarien grik, non-vejetarian ptalter, grild chkein, chees fyrs, grild sambol and chili chis stiks.
The altered name of the dishes may appear unusual at first, but they are a part of the awareness campaign initiated by the Writer’s Café in collaboration Madras Dyslexia Association (MDA). The café let the association take over its menu for the month-long awareness drive which is aimed at making customers see the world from the perspective of a dyslexic individual.
The objective of this initiative is to help people understand the struggles of dyslexic individuals they face in the world that doesn’t understand them. To give its customers a closer look into the world of dyslexia, the café has reworked its menu and reversed the alphabets to make them look like a mirror image.
The café has also arranged for specialists will be available for two hours everyday to share information on dyslexia with those interested. Notes on dyslexia in the form of bookmarks will also be handed over to customers. Additional information on the condition will also be displayed on the LEDs screens in the café.
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