It was in 2008 when Dhruv Kohli, a Delhi-based businessman came to know about Marvel Cinematic Universe after the release of Iron Man. Like any other college going student of his age, Dhruv instantly became a fan of Iron Man played by Hollywood actor Robert Downey Jr. But he never realised that he would one day have his ‘private Marvel museum’ at his home.
A garment exporter from Malviya Nagar’s Shivalik, a posh residential locality in south Delhi, Dhruv, 30, has over 100 rare collectibles of characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “It’s just the pure passion and love for these characters. When I first started collecting it in 2008, many people weren’t aware about it in India. I have been in love with them ever since then. It’s a personal connection. I want to continue doing it as long as Marvel movies are going to be made,” he says.
Unlike regular toys, these collectibles are very rare and expensive with each costing around $600 (Over Rs 40,000). These action figures are made by a company named Hot Toys. “You won’t find them in any store in the world. They are of very high quality. It takes a long time to collect them. Getting them to India is very difficult,” he adds.
When he first started his hobby, everyone from his family to his friends made fun of him for spending money on toys. He has till now spent anywhere close to Rs Rs 25-30 lakhs. “Now, it has become a priceless possession for me. I am never gonna sell it,” he says.
Expect for Avengers: Endame, he has all characters from all movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His collection also includes some characters from DC Comics as well. But among all the characters, it’s Iron Man who is his favourite. “I have the Avengers 1, 2 and 3 models with the Hulk buster,” he says while showcasing his favourite Iron Man section of the museum.
He is now living to fulfill his only dream. “I am a die-hard Iron Man fan. I love the way Robert Downey Junior has played this character over the years. I am hoping that this video gets to him and he messages me. I would do anything to meet Robert Downey Jr,” he signs off.
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