Two Domino’s Pizza delivery boys came to the rescue of a five-year-old child ‘kidnapped’ by a carjacker and helped reunite him with his parents. The incident took place at Zirakpur town in Punjab’s Mohali district on Tuesday where Harpreet Singh, employed at Domino’s outlet at VIP road, noticed that someone driving a car dropped a child outside. Using presence of mind, Harpreet and his friend Surinder brought the child inside and tried to contact people from nearby areas.
“We were about to close the outlet when a customer told us that someone driving a car dropped a child outside. the child was crying. We brought the child inside and contacted people from nearby areas about him, but got no clue.” Harpreet told Hindustan Times.
Later, they saw that the child was carrying his father’s bank passbook which had his contact number. Then they tried calling on the contact number but it was not available.
Later, Harpreet checked whether the number is present in their database and surprisingly, they found that the family had once bought pizza from our company outlet in Sector 20, Panchkula.
Sensing there was something wrong, they took the kid to the the Sector-20 police station where the child’s parents were already present. “We were happy when we found the boy’s parents at the station.” Surinder Singh said they were happy that they succeded in reuniting the child with his parents.
“We deliver pizzas everyday. It was quite relieving and satisfying to hand over a kidnapped boy safely to his parents,” he told HT.
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