A school in Kerala has come up with a bizarre dress code as per which two different type of uniforms has been set for the students studying in it which is based on their academic skills. The decision taken by the Al Farooque English medium school in Pandikkad, which comes under Kerala’s Malappuram district, is being criticised as it has put too much pressure on the students.
As per the new dress code, the students who are sharp in studies will wear white shirts and tops while the weak or the underperforming students will wear red check shirts and tops. This dress code was brought from the new academic session which began in June this year.
When the parents opposed the dress code implemented by the school authorities, they were told that it is for the benefit of students as this will motivate them to perform better. “We were told the average students will yearn for white and work hard but we find it too discriminatory,” said the mother of one of the students.
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After the school did not pay heed to the complaints of the children, they approached the Childline (a body working under the state social welfare ministry to ensure rights of children) officials who found the system highly discriminatory.
Also Read: Kerala school slammed online for “vulgar” school uniform, principal says photo doctored
Childline district coordinator Anwar Karakadan said, “When we asked the school principal he came out with a weird explanation that it will create a healthy competition and help students. He was not bothered about the psychological problem it triggered”.
(Source: Hindustan Times)
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