This RSS wing tells you how to get a bright, tall, fair and 'perfect customised child'!

This RSS wing has come up with a list of steps that help an expecting mother get a "perfect customised child." Read on to know more

Want a child with specific qualities? An RSS wing has listed a number of steps that can apparently help you conceive that “perfect child.” As strange as this may sound, an RSS wing has come with a project which includes a number of guidelines for the parents to follow if they wished to have “customised” babies.

As per a report in the Sunday Express, RSS’s health wing Arogya Bharati, has launched a project called “Garbh Vigyan Sanskar” which has asserted that a woman can have an “uttam santati” if they follow the listed steps. Having sex as per the correct planetary positions, no intimacy after the baby is conceived and three months of purification of the parents are some of the steps that need to be followed to have a baby with desired qualities.

“The parents may have lower IQ, with a poor educational background, but their baby can be extremely bright. If the proper procedure is followed, babies of dark-skinned parents with lesser height can have fair complexion and grow taller,” the daily quoted Dr Hitesh Jani, national convener, Arogya Bharati as saying.

Jani affirmed that the formula to have a customised baby also finds a mention in the “shashtras.” The project has reportedly been successful in delivering 450 such babies. They are also making efforts to set up centres in every state across the country. The report further asserted that the project has as many as 10 branches in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. They also looking to set up in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

“Ayurveda has all the details about how we can get the desired physical and mental qualities of babies. IQ is developed during the sixth month of pregnancy. If the mother undergoes specific procedures, like what to eat, listen and read, the desired IQ can be achieved. Thus, we can get a desired, customised baby,” an office bearer said adding that the procedures only makes sure that the defects of the parents do not get transferred into their child.

As per the project, the mother will not undergo labour pain if she chants shlokas and mantras which in turn will also facilitate in the mental development of the child.
