Nandlal (80), residing in an 8×10 room in Old Gurgaon’s Bhim Nagar perhaps, best represents the atrocities people have been facing because of demonetisation. Certified as the tragic face of demonetisation, he questions the government not allowing him access to his own money. As India continues to debate the debacle and success of demonetisation: the tragic face illustrates the prevalent ineffective mechanism’s inability to deal with the situation.
Here are six things that you must know about the ex-army man:
1. Retired from Indian Army in 1991. His monthly pension is Rs 8,000.
2. He has Rs 45,000 in his account and wants to withdraw the entire money.
3. Was unable to get money after four trips to the Bank. When his turn came, he couldn’t withdraw more than Rs 10,000 limit. Supposedly, much less than his requirement.
4. His monthly rent is Rs 3,000 and his maid charges Rs 6,500/month.
5. Has no kids and lives all alone. Adopted a girl child and educated her. She is happily married and resides in Faridabad.
6. He has a hearing disorder. Unable to take care of himself, and the maid repeatedly troubles him for extra money.
Though he has paid his dues but is still demanding claims over his rightful money. He professes going back to the bank, standing in the long queues until he gets his ‘right’. Instances like these reduce the patriotic justifications of the move to mere jingoisms. High time, that an effective alternate mechanism is worked out.
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