Mahalaxmi, a 40-year-old housewife from Vellore, Tamil Nadu, has been arrested for trolling Justice N Kirubakaran’s remarks on social media back in September. She had posted a comment on Facebook about the Madras High Court judge on September 14 following his statement on government school teachers’ strike in Tamil Nadu.
Mahalaxmi on Tuesday, November 21, was arrested and was taken to the Vellore Central prison, The Indian Express reported. Superintendent of Police (Vellore) P Pakalavan stated, “She criticised the judge by name and posted the same on social media.”
In September, Kirubakaran had condemned the teachers’ strike, saying that it was the primary reason behind students from government schools not performing well in the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test. “Only five government school students from the state managed to secure medical seats, and protesting teachers should feel ashamed of this fact,” he had said.
In response to Kirubakaran’s statement, Mahalaxmi had remarked that the strike did not just include teachers, but court staff, noon meal staff, block development officers, and professors were also part of the protest. In her comment, Mahalaxmi had personally referred to the judge and had also thrown allegations of personal motives against teachers.
According to a senior police officer, she is among 25 government staffers and teachers who were tracked down and are now due suitable action.
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