MS Dhoni’s wife Sakshi Rawat took to Twitter when she found her husband’s Aadhar Card information leaked online. She tweeted to IT minister Ravi Shankar Prasad and CSC, Ranchi expressing her concern over the leaked details she filled in in the forms. The series of tweets between Sakshi and Prasad soon went viral as Twitterati expressed their opinion on the matter.
Sakshi seemed furious in his first tweet as she tweeted, “Is there any privacy left? Information of Aadhar Card including application is made public property.” The IT Minister too replied to her tweet whether it was just a photograph of him posing for a photo with the fan or included personal information as well? To this, Sakshi clarified that it included Dhoni’s personal information and attached a screenshot of the tweet.
If u want to be so private ,then why the hell MS Dhoni: The untold story was did. To mint money oh..weres privacy then #SakshiDhoni
— Swapniel (@shettyswapniel) March 29, 2017
#SakshiDhoni there is no security of Aadhar detail.Any one use your biometric but some bhakt believe it is ok they will regret in future
— Sameer Kumar Modi (@sam_modi) March 29, 2017
I Support #SakshiDhoni. Who guarantees on safe keeping of ADHAAR personal data??
— Rajesh Patthipati (@patthipati) March 29, 2017
However, the Twitterati had a mixed response to Sakshi’s complaint to IT Minister as a movie based on Dhoni’s life, ‘MS Dhoni: An Untold Story” has been made (released in 2016). While a few bashed the government for leaking personal information and demanding privacy for her and Indian wicketkeeper.
#SakshiDhoni if any one leak your Aadhar detail you have no right to case file only UIDAI can file a case against culprit
— Sameer Kumar Modi (@sam_modi) March 29, 2017
Forget right to privacy. Govt is making it impossible to lead a normal & dignified life without #Aadhar . is it justified?#BoycottAADHAR
— Gaurav Jain (@gauravjain26) March 29, 2017
It seems like Dhoni is not having a good time in March 2017. Earlier he was rescued from a hotel fire in Dwarka Sector-10 where he was staying with Jharkhand team for Vijay Hazare Trophy 2016-17. His three mobile phones too were stolen as he lodged an FIR regarding the same. Later on, his mobile phones were found and were returned to him.
Where was #SakshiDhoni when MS Dhoni was busy in photoshoot while getting his Aadhar registration.
— Sushant Beri (@SUSHANTBERI) March 29, 2017
I Think She Is Sick or Unable to digest BJP Ruling or Frustated with @msdhoni Behaving at Home …! Shame On Her #SakshiDhoni
— Patriot (@rajakishorepula) March 29, 2017
Thank God MS Dhoni (The Movie) was released earlier else Bhakts would have planned to boycott it#SakshiDhoni
— Harshad Sharma (@SherESharma) March 29, 2017
Well, there have been invasions in the life of celebrities but leaking information of Aadhar Card is taking it to a whole new level altogether. Everything cannot be written off in the name of ‘fan moment’.
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