Stepping up its effort to enhance cleanliness in the city, the South Delhi Municipal Corporation has made it mandatory for all hotels and restaurants under its jurisdiction to provide access to the general public to their toilets. The civic body on Tuesday said that it has acted on the advice of Lt Governor Anil Baijal, who had asked it to explore this idea. The SDMC claims it would make an additional 3500 toilets available to the public. Hauz Khas Village, Saket and Shahpur Jat are some of the prominent areas under the civic body.
The civic body has also given the discretion to the restaurant management to charge a maximum of Rs 5 per person to cover the charges towards maintenance and cleaning.
“Acting on the advice of the Lt Governor, the SDMC has made it mandatory for all hotels and restaurants located in south Delhi to give full access to the general public to these toilets.The establishment of these restaurants have also been given discretion to charge up to Rs 5 per usage to cover their charges towards maintenance and cleaning,” the SDMC said in a statement.
The civic body said this decision will come into effect on April 1 and the remaining modalities will be worked out in due course of time. “This move of SDMC will boost the Swachh Bharat Mission,” it said.
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