In a shocking incident, two young girls were allegedly stripped of their school uniform in Bihar’s Begusarai district and forced to walk down home in a semi-naked condition on June 16 because they couldn’t pay the school fees. In video footage that captures their humiliating journey through the village lanes, the two sisters are seen taking baby steps.
According to a PTI report, somewhere down the road, a villager gave the girls some clothes to cover themselves. Shockingly, one of them was a nursery student; the elder one was in Class I.
The girls belonged to a poor family that wanted them to get a good education. However, this time, their poor father had reportedly missed several deadlines to bring in the money for the uniforms and school fees. He had asked the private school for some more time; his request was rejected.
Three persons have been arrested by the police including the school principal and teacher. In his complaint to the police, the father Chunchun Sah was asked to meet a teacher when he went to pick up his daughters from school. She demanded that he deposit the fee for the school uniform. Sah wanted some time to arrange the money but the teacher didn’t listen to him. Eventually, the teacher took off the uniform worn by his daughters in front of everyone and threw the girls out of the school.
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There have been several instances over the last few years where children have been humiliated, in some cases also driven to suicide, for their inability to pay for their education in a private institute.
In January this year, a 16-year-old boy in Hyderabad hanged himself after being harassed at school for being late in paying the fee.
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Last year, a private school in Hyderabad made a Class 6 student stand outside classroom while all other students appeared for an exam.
–With PTI inputs
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