Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is promoting cashless transactions in his own way. Drawing mythological references, the BJP leader said the first cashless transaction was carried out between Lord Krishna and Sudama 5000 years ago and described it as the only way to check corruption.
Addressing an event to celebrate the ‘National Panchayati Raj Diwas’ on April 25, CM Adityanath said, “We should take inspiration for cashless transactions from Lord Krishna and Sudama. When Sudama went to meet Krishna he was not given money. But when Sudama returned home, he found it a changed place.”
He further added, “when such a thing could be done 5,000 years ago, why can it not be done today.”
“UP’s 59,000 Gram Panchayats will be made Open Defecation-Free (ODF) by October 2018. He also set a December 31, 2017 target for ending open defecation in 30 districts of UP,” said CM Adityanath.
He also said, “the Prime Minister said when we talk about smart cities we should also talk about smart villages. All 59,000 gram panchayats will be connected with the ongoing process of modernisation and made smart.”
Raising awareness about the bribe demanded by high designators, he said, “If someone demands a bribe, tell them you will credit it to their account or through phones. If he takes it, he will go to jail.”
Criticizing the VIP culture, he also said “VIP culture” was like making the mockery of democracy and the real VIPs in a democratic system was the people at the end of the development ladder.
In November 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi banned Rs. 500- and Rs. 1,000 notes, declared them illegal and urged people for cashless transactions.
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