In yet another incident of vigilantism in Uttar Pradesh, a man was brutally thrashed by a mob in Aligarh’s Achcha Tal village for allegedly slaughtering a buffalo. Speaking to news agency ANI, a senior police official on Thrusday said that they received the information that buffalo was being slaughtered at residence of one Kali Baghel.
The official also said that they have arrested all those allegedly involved in the case. He also claimed that the police controlled the crowd on time. However, the video which is being circulated on social media, purportedly shows that the accused being brutally thrashed by mob. Police could be seen arguing with attackers to let him go. At one instance, the police could be seen pleading with the crowd, “Arrey Mar jaayega ( He will die)”
There has been a spike in cases of cow vigilantism in the country in last two years. However, most attacks were carried out on suspicion of cow smuggling and slaughter but the latest attack on accusations of buffalo slaughtering is likely to raise apprehensions.
#WATCH: Man thrashed by locals for allegedly slaughtering a buffalo in Achal Tal area of Aligarh (UP), 5 arrested, investigation on.
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) May 12, 2017
Earlier on Apri l 22, at least five people including a 9-year-old girl were attacked by cow vigilantes or ‘gau rakshaks’ in the Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir. On April 5, a Muslim man died after a mob attacked his cattle truck on a highway in Alwar suspecting him as cow smuggler. Following the incident, the Supreme Court issued notices to six state government including Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka and Maharshtra and sought a detailed reply on the issue.
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