In a bizarre incident, a man in Uttar Pradesh, got a bicycle as a reward for drinking country liquor worth Rs 65,000 in last six months.
According to a report of India Times, the 62-year-old man, identified as Krishna Kant Bhagat, was widely felicitated in July by his fellow villagers in Mail Chauraha, Deoria district in Uttar Pradesh.
Bhagat was garlanded, carried on people’s shoulders, patted on the back and was also gifted a bicycle worth Rs 3000. The villagers decided to felicitate him for drinking country liquor worth Rs 65,000 in the last six months, which means that Bhagat drank 288.8 litres of whisky, about 1.6 litres on an average every day.
The felicitation event was organised by the manager of a government run liquor shop. This incident has been reported at a time when Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is taking a strict stance on the sale of alcohol in the state.
Vinod Singh, accountant of the government liquor shop, has reportedly denied that the bicycle was a reward for drinking the most liquor in six months. He said that it was given to him in lieu of the cooking he did at a party.
Bhagat, is a widower who stays alone in a hut. While his son works abroad, his four daughters stay in the same village, but they don’t talk to him.
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According to the India Times report, Bhagat said that his life’s philosophy is live and let live – sober or drunk. He is a professional cook with a catering company.
“I make about Rs 5000 per wedding and sometimes more depending on how rich the wedding party is,” he said, according to the report. He reportedly spends 80% of his earnings on liquor.
Bhagat is making a bit of savings too to secure his life. He said he has applied for government accommodation under the Lohia Awaaz Yojana and has deposited Rs 5,000 with the Gram Pradhan along with the necessary documents. He is eligible for this as a Below Poverty Line (BPL) card holder.
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