In a shocking incident, a woman from Pilibhit district of Uttar Pradesh has alleged that her husband had given her triple talaq over the phone and that her in-laws attacked her with acid after that. The woman identified as Rehana, a resident of Pilibhit has alleged that she was given triple talaq by her husband who lives in New Zealand and that she lives with her in-laws.
According to a report in Times of India, the woman’s medical report has revealed that she has suffered burn injuries below the waist. The report further suggested that she was given triple talaq by her husband six years ago, However, the woman refused to accept the talaq. Rehana has now demanded strict actions against her in-laws and her husband for what they allegedly did to her.
UP: Rehana, a resident of Pilibhit says husband gave her #TripleTalaq on phone from New Zealand, later in-laws attacked her with acid.
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) April 16, 2017
UP: Rehana, a resident of Pilibhit says husband gave her #TripleTalaq on phone from New Zealand, later in-laws attacked her with acid.
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) April 16, 2017
The police has registered a case against five people. Rehana has also moved the court against the triple talaq. A number of triple talaq issues have cropped in the recent months. A woman from Hyderabad had alleged that her husband had given her triple talaq over a postcard. Another woman had alleged that her husband had given her triple talaq by changing his WhatsApp display picture. AIMPLB Vice-President had affirmed that they will end the practice of triple talaq within 18 months and that the government need not interfere.
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