UPSC Civil Service Exam results 2016 was released by the Union Public Service Commission on May 31. UPSC declared the results on the official website, This is for the third consecutive year that a woman has managed to top the UPSC exam. Nandini K R has been declared as the UPSC exam 2016 topper. While Anmol Sher Singh Bedi secured the second position and Gopalakrishna Ronanki stood third in the exams that were conducted in 2016.
Nandini K R who hails from Karnataka is an Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer and belongs to the OBC category. As many as 11.3 Lakh candidates applied for the civil service exams that were conducted last year. However, at least 4 lakh students took the exam. As per reports, Nandini had appeared for the civil services examination in the year 2014, but had managed to clear Indian Revenue Service after securing the 849th rank in the exam.
Faridabad : Karnataka’s Nandini K R who got the first rank in the Civil Services Exams 2016, being offer sweet by her colleague in Faridabad on Wednesday. PTI Photo
“It is like a dream come true. I always wanted to be an IAS officer. I put in a lot of effort. After getting selected in the IRS in 2014, I had taken the exam again in 2015 but could not crack it. I took the test again and topped it. It is a wonderful experience,” Nandini told PTI. In an interview with the Times Of India, Nandini who cleared the UPSC exams in her fourth attempt worked hard to upgrade herself to IAS in the third attempt but failed to do so after he was diagnosed with dengue ahead of the crucial exam.
Faridabad : Karnataka’s Nandini K R (c) who got the first rank in the Civil Services Exams 2016 celebrate with her colleague in Faridabad on Wednesday. PTI Photo
Nandini further told the daily that unlike the popular she did work hard for the exams but did not study the whole day adding that she could manage to study only two hours in the morning and four hours in the evening. A civil engineering graduate from the M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology of Bengaluru, Nandini had put in six months for her preparations for the UPSC exam 2016.
Faridabad : Karnataka’s Nandini K R (L) who got the first rank in the Civil Services Exams 2016 celebrate with her colleague in Faridabad on Wednesday. PTI Photo (PTI5_31_2017_000259A)
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