As Raksha Bandhan is around the corner, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has received rakhis from around 40 Muslim women who are victim of triple talaq and domestic violence. These women have requested the CM to ensure speedy justice to them as they are “sisters of the nation”. They said that for past many years they are suffering but now want their brother (CM) to help them.
One such woman is Farhana (27) whose husband gave her talaq two years ago and shifted to Saudi Arabia. Her fault was that she gave birth to a girl. She said her husband and his family threw her and her daughter out as they wanted a boy and this Rakhi she has asked UP CM to ensure justice to her.
Another woman Nuzhat Kisa, a domestic violence victim said that she has been waiting for justice since December 2016. She said, “As my husband and his family were disappointed with me for not bringing the dowry, they would often physically assault me. I somehow managed to survive and am now seeking action against them. As a sister of the nation, I have asked Yogi to ensure speedy justice to me. This will be my rakhi present”.
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These women have sent rakhis to the CM on July 4 and local NGO Mera Haq Foundation helped them with that. Farhat Naqvi, president of the NGO said that these women have filed a complaint with the police but have received threats and are being pressurised by their in-laws to take back the complaints.
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He added, “They are scared for their lives as have not been provided security by police. These women want justice and safety and that is why they have sent rakhis to Yogi”.
(Source: Indiatimes)
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