Beleaguered businessman Vijay Mallya was on Sunday spotted at the India vs Pakistan match in the Champions Trophy 2017’s game number 4 at Edgbaston. Mallya fled India amid cases of financial default to the tune of Rs 9000 crore loan filed against him. He was recently arrested by the Scotland Yard in London. However, he was released on bail within hours by a London court.
Mallya’s now-defunct Kingfisher Airlines owes more than Rs 9,000 crore to various banks. He had fled India on March 2, 2016. The two cases filed against him include one related to the IDBI Bank case and the other related to a loan default of over Rs 6,000 crore filed over a complaint from a consortium of banks led by State Bank of India.
The Indian government has been making several efforts to bring him back but to no avail. Extraditing him from the UK involves a series of steps including a decision by the judge on whether or not a warrant of arrest is necessary. There have been several notices by agencies and courts for Mallya to appear for the hearings. He has not appeared for any of them but when he was spotted at the India-Pakistan Champions Trophy match at Edgbaston, Twitter could not stop commenting.
As soon as he was clicked, the spot the game began!
Spot Vijay Mallya in this picture.
— Madhup Thakur (@dremtee) June 5, 2017
The #KingOfGoodTimes when enjoying an great time at #Edgbaston watching India win #indiavspak – Thanks BCCI for Tickets. Can you spot me?
— Vijay Mallya (@TheVijayMaIlya) June 4, 2017
Just a clarification needed, did Vijay Mallya attend the game today? There were rumours but couldn’t spot him anywhere..
— Gagan Bajaj (@Ggnbjaj) June 4, 2017
Vijay Mallya enjoying the #INDvPAK Live. Dear @TheOfficialSBI if your officers are around ask them to spot @TheVijayMallya
— Roshan Desarda (@roshya) June 4, 2017
Only Sir Jadeja can spot Mallya, Direct throw at the wkts and tweet at the same time!!
— Rohan Jaiswal (@jaiswalrohan) June 4, 2017
Thug life, some say!
#VijayMallya in attendance during #INDvPAK #CT17 despite whole of india behind his ass.”THUG LIFE” literally!!#AUSvBAN
— Mitul Bora (@Mi2L008) June 5, 2017
Why bother me for my credit card bills!
[Vijay Mallya took away 7000 crores]
Banks: *yawn*
[My credit card bill 20K rs]Bank: *sends 900 threat messages*
— ThatCuteDevil (@Chalu_Chokra) June 5, 2017
Some even question “nationalist Virender Sehwag” for not catching hold of Vijay Mallya
______@TheVijayMallya IndvPak ___ ________ __ _____ _____ ___ ‘_______’@virendersehwag__ ____ ______ __ _ ___ ____ _____ ______ ______ ____
— Imran khan (@imkhan5csn) June 5, 2017
What is the Indian government doing?
What a businessman!!!!!! What Indian Government is doing?
Absconding Vijay Mallya spotted at India-Pakistan match— Sonia Agarwal (@SoniaGAgarwal) June 5, 2017
Mallya has BJP’s support?
Vijay Mallya became a Rajya Sabha MP with BJP support, was allowed to flee during BJP rule.
Mallyagate courtesy the BJP.— Anmol Sidhu (@sidhuanmol6) June 5, 2017
When will the wait to bring back Vijay Mallya end?
Keep waiting till eternity! The big defaulters Adani & Ambani! are the government. @TheVijayMallya & @LalitKModi are watching cricket!
— Fairdoc MD (@medico956) June 5, 2017
Apart from the money that Mallya owes to the banks, he also faces an enquiry for money laundering in a case registered by the Enforcement Directorate. An FIR has already been filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation in connection with the loans that Kingfisher took in an illegal way.
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