While Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda chose to respond and defend his stand on his comments on Kargil martyr’s daughter, Gurmehar Kaur’s Facebook post after being criticised by Barkha Dutt and Shekhar Gupta, Virender Sehwag chose to ignore the criticism by the journalist and stuck to his stand.
Even though Virender Sehwag did not actually tweet anything, it was pretty evident that he ignored what journalist Shekhar Gupta had to say when he responded by retweeting another journalist Sweta Singh’s tweet that read as,”My grandfather was a freedom fighter. Joined Army post independence. Fought 3 wars. That’s his achievement not mine.”
Days after the daughter of a Kargil martyr, Gurmehar Kaur came out to speak against ABVP in the wake of the violence at Ramjas college of Delhi University, a number of people have come out to join the campaign she kick started. Along with this, another picture of her from last year, holding a placard that read, “Pakistan did not kill my dad, war killed him”, went viral on social media. Virender Sehwag known for his witty comments came forward with a pretty unusual tweet.
Bat me hai Dum !#BharatJaisiJagahNahi pic.twitter.com/BNaO1LBHLH
— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) February 26, 2017
Following this, Randeep Hooda retweeted Viru in an agreement. However, the tweet did not go down well with Shekhar Gupta and Barkha Dutt where both of them slammed Randeep Hooda and Virender Sehwag for “mocking” the young girl who had had an opinion of her own. Expressing dismay over the reactions, Shekhar Gupta slammed both Randeep Hooda and Virender Sehwag saying:
Randeep Hooda was quick to respond saying that Gurmehar was only being used a “pawn” for political mileage. Following which, Gurmehar Kaur herself responded saying that she was no “pawn” and condemned violence of any kind. To which, the actor responded that even he agreed with her opinion on violence, her post could be interpreted in many other ways.
In a bid to put an end to the argument, Randeep Hooda said that “violence was wrong” but affirmed that the girl’s thoughts should not be politicised.
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