After BSF jawan Tej Bahadur, now Indian army jawan Sindhav Jogidas’s video is going viral. In the video, jawan is seen lashing out at Sahayak (orderly) system that is prevalent in the army. He said that some officers keep jawans as their slaves and claimed that food given to jawans are only for survival.
“I was punished for raising complaints. Army is the only service where combatants were forced to serve officers. I am sure that Army won’t accept these complaints”, he said.
Jogidas alleged that he did not get any reply when he complained about the atrocities on the Whatsapp number given by the Army for grievance redressal.
Army has ordered a probe into the matter as the video of Jawan goes viral.
This is not the first incident, few days back, BSF jawan Tej Bahadur’s video too went viral in which he was seen complaining about the atrocities done by seniors. “From morning to evening we work, standing in all weather conditions. No matter the rain, no matter the snow, in all conditions we do our duty, but neither the media nor any minister pay heed to our problems,” he said in the video.
Bahadur in the video had also said that proper food is not given to Jawans because of corruption prevalent at senior levels and it is because of this that sevices that jawan is entitled to, had gone for a toss.
Yadav’s videos, which he posted on his Facebook profile, drew strong response on the social media. Some saw it as a publicity stunt while others bashed up Indian army and government.
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