Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA Alka Lamba created a stir on Twitter after she chose to climb on a crane during a rescue operation and allegedly delayed the process by an hour in the Chandni Chowk area of Delhi on May 23. As many as 22 fire tenders had rushed to spot after a massive fire broke out in the area.
Even though no loss of life or injury has been reported, goods worth crores have reportedly been destroyed in the fire. Additionally, at least 40 shops were gutted in the fire. According to reports, the fire tenders who were already having trouble in entering the massively congested area had to bring down the crane so that Alka Lamba could climb the crane during the rescue operations.
Reports suggest that shopkeepers were extremely upset and even lashed out at her for allegedly causing inconvenience in the relief operations. Watch the video here:
@drharshvardhan Local residents and shopkeepers say alka lamba delayed fire fighting operations by 1-2 hours. What a shameless party this AAP is. pic.twitter.com/lGWAwtECxY
— Ankit (@indiantweeter) May 23, 2017
Meanwhile, some of the social media users did not refrain from having their own share of fun as Alka Lamba chose to climb the rescue platform for reasons best known to her. Some even slammed her for unnecessarily interfering and hampering the relief operation. Here’s how the Twitter reacted:
@TimesNow Lol. She thinks she is a crane standing amidst a flock of chickens? Lol
— Amrita Bhinder (@amritabhinder) May 23, 2017
@TimesNow After dalit tourism, here AAP gives birth to “rescue operation tourism”.
— Shalini Tiwari (@imShaliniTiwari) May 23, 2017
@TimesNow AAP is not going up but surely DOWN !
— Sharat __ (@varma_sharat) May 23, 2017
@TimesNow Can do d supervisor job from ground also,___
— Vaidy (@Vaidyvoice) May 23, 2017
@TimesNow Crazy Alka went up the crane, to fetch a pail of water, Alka fell down and broke her crown and Kejru came tumbling after :))
— Albus Bahubali (@dd_hogwarts) May 23, 2017
@TimesNow Alka lamba searching Kejriwals honesty from height of crane….
— sonal (@Sonal3vedi) May 23, 2017
@TimesNow She’s an ex Airhostess I’m guessing
— Gurgaon Mirror__ (@GurgaonCitizen) May 23, 2017
Its shameful and disgraceful to see the AAP MLA Alka Lamba climbing on to the special crane and the fire brigade… https://t.co/yVHeIDkUFm
— suvrokamal dutta (@dutta70) May 23, 2017
The fire that broke out in a particular shop in the Chandni Chowk market in the national capital has now been brought under control. However, the cause of the fire has not been ascertained as yet. The police have launched an investigation into the matter.
Condemning the act, Bharatiya Janata Party even filed a police complaint against the AAP MLA with the Delhi police for “obstructing public servants from discharging their duties.”
Filed a complaint with @CPDelhi against AAP MLA Alka Lamba for obstructing public servants from discharging their duties. pic.twitter.com/H3wPGKMAv9
— Nupur Sharma (@NupurSharmaBJP) May 23, 2017
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