In an appalling incident, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Mahila Morcha President slapped and roughed up a young girl for sitting and sipping tea with a Muslim boy at a restaurant in Aligarh. In a video that has now gone viral on social media, you can see the BJP women’s wind President slapping the girl multiple times for being caught in “public” with a Muslim boy.
The president of the BJP women’s wing identified as Sangeeta Varshney also reportedly called the father of the girl to inform him about the incident and urged him to slap her some more. The incident took place at the Naurangabad area where the members of the Hindu Yuva Vahini allegedly cornered the couple before taking them to the police station.
You can watch the video here:
OUTRAGEOUS: BJP neta assaults a “major” girl just because she ws sipping tea with her Muslim friend at a restro in Aligarh. @Uppolice pl act
— Prashant Kumar (@Prashant_TN) September 20, 2017
Varshney reportedly continued to harass the girl even after she repeatedly claimed that she was an adult and the man with her was her boyfriend who has been identified as Mohd Faizan. The girl further stated that she was in a relationship with Faizan for years now. If reports are to be believed Varshney assaulted her after the girl revealed that her family was not aware of the relationship and that she would often visit her boyfriend to Naurangabad without the knowledge of her parents.
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Varshney also insisted that the parents of the girl should be brought to the spot and allegedly slapped the girl for refusing to call her parents. In the video, she can be heard saying, “Don’t you understand who is Muslim and who is Hindu?.” adding that “Everyone knows the consequences of such relations.”
General secretary of Hindu Yuva Vahini, Naurangabad, Deepak Sharma claimed that they took them to the police station after they “caught them doing wrong things in public,” asserting that he had been noticing the couple for a few months now.
Additionally, the police have claimed that the parents of the girl have refused to take action against anyone. However, the girl’s partner has been detained and a case under section 294 has been registered.
Source: Times of India
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