A tea seller from Rajasthan has fallen under the scanner of the Income Tax department after he paid a dowry of Rs 1.51 crore for the wedding of his six daughters. In a video that has gone viral on social media, the man identified as Leela Ram Gujjar can be seen counting notes in a front of large gathering.
According to reports, the Gujjar who owns a tea stall at Haduata in Rajasthan was paying off the groom’s family. Furtehrmore, out of the six girls that got married off, four of them are believed to be underage. He is seen giving away the money to the grooms family as crowd greets him with a huge round of applause.
Watch the video here:
Soon after the went viral, the I-T department summoned Gujjar to their office. Apparently, Gujjar had only printed wedding card for two of his daughters and got the other two married without announcement. Gujjar has now been directed to explain how he could gather the whoppoing amount of money considering his monthly income.
“We will wait till Thursday. He will be questioned on his income, and it will be checked if he filed his returns or not. If the dowry he paid stemmed from unaccounted for income, a tax deduction process would be initiated. He has also been asked to produce documents pertaining to his income,” The Times of India quoted an IT officer as saying.
The police has also claimed that Gujjar and his family had gone missing and that they were making efforts to nab him. The officials have also summoned the relatives of Leela Ram Gujjar.
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