Almost a week after Varnika Kundu, daughter of a senior IAS officer accused Vikas Barala, son of BJP Haryana Chief Subhash Barala and Ashish Kumar of stalking and trying to kidnap her, now a CCTV footage has been found in which Vikas Barala can be seen buying alcohol from a store located in Sector 9 before the incident.
29-year-old Varnika Kundu, daughter of a V S Kundu, shared the entire incident of being chased by Vikas and his friend Ashish Kumar for hours on Friday night in a Facebook post which went viral on the social media. Kundu, who works as a DJ, in the post said that these two men they blocked her car, banged on her window and even tried to force open the door.
The police have arrested Vikas and Ashish Kumar on Wednesday and they were interrogated by the officials for about three hours. After which the police added non-bailable charges under section 365 and 511 of the IPC in the FIR. Earlier, they were booked for wrongful restraint, stalking and drunk driving.
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“My hands shaking, my back spasming from fear, half in tears, half bewildered, because I didn’t know if I’d make it home tonight. Who knew when, or if, the cops would show up,” she wrote in a Facebook post.
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There were also reports that Subhash Barala is trying to influence the investigation but he refuted all these charges in a press conference. He said that Varnika is like his daughter and proper action should be taken against his son.
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