A police constable in Madhya Pradesh’s Guna was kicked, punched and thrown on the ground for doing his duty on April 22. He was attacked by a group of five men right outside the Police Control Room when he was going to fine politician’s relative for riding a scooter without a helmet. The shameful incident was recorded on a mobile phone.
The incident took place when three girls belonging to the family of Shobhna Raghuvanshi, the BJP block president, were stopped by the police for riding a scooter without helmets.
According to the police officials, “as they were being fined fined for traffic violations, the girls called up their family members.”
Soon the BJP leader’s husband, Rajiv Raghuvanshi, who is the uncle of the girls, arrived at the spot along with his supporters and thrashed constable Ashutosh Tiwari. It is clearly seen in the video that as another policeman tries to intervene, Raghuvanshi is threatening him as well.
After the scuffle, constable Tiwari said, “12 people barged into the control room where I was. They grabbed me by the collar and started beating me up. My staff saved me. I have bruises.”
The police have lodged two cases of obstructing a government officer from doing his duty and another of beating up a government officer on duty. Two accused have been taken into custody.
However, Raghuvanshi has alleged that the police only adhered to one side of the story. He said “the girls called up my brother saying they were being fined for traffic violation. When we came here, a few words were exchanged with the police and then they started pushing each other. Then the cops filed a one-sided case.”
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